Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay Annie Dillards Pilgrim at Tinker Creek - 3011 Words
Annie Dillards Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Annie Dillard opens Pilgrim at Tinker Creek mysteriously, hinting at an unnamed presence. She toys with the longstanding epic images of battlefields and oracles, injecting an air of holiness and awe into the otherwise ordinary. In language more poetic than prosaic, she sings the beautiful into the mundane. She deifies common and trivial findings. She extracts the most high language from all the possible permutations of words to elevate and exalt the normal. Under her pen, her literary devices and her metaphors, a backyard stream becomes a shrine. Writing a prayer, Dillard becomes an instrument through which a ubiquitous spirit reveals itself. Yet in other cases, she latches on to an image†¦show more content†¦. .lest our eyes be blasted forever (23). She alludes here to the monotheistic concept of the taboo gaze, the forbidden direct stare into the face of God. In the preceding paragraph, she discover[s] the mystery (22) of the clouds. Able to perceive them only in the refle ctive water below, blind to the originals that cast the duplicates, she wonders if maybe the ark of the covenant was just passing by (22). The trunk in which Moses stored the Ten Commandments also provided the throne of God within the Tabernacle; he presides from atop the ark between two cherubim, in unapproachable light (I Timothy 6:16, Psalm 104:2). As they avoid pronouncing the name of God, believers must also shy away from this brightness. Dillard evokes these mystical taboos to express the irony of human love. Elsewhere she tells the story of a moth consumed by a flame, calling to mind the Sufi symbol for mortal love and the mystical path spiked with danger. The religious symbols also provoke ideas of spirituality that elevate the significance of Dillards worldly visions. The references are vital, because her experiences in nature do not connote spiritual presence as they once did. As GaryMcIlroy points out in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and the Burden of Science, American nature writing used to involve pureShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Annie Dillards Pilgrim At Tinker Creek1595 Words  | 7 PagesAnnie Dillard’s effective use of language and style reflect and further the opinions she voices within â€Å"Pilgrim at Tinker Creek†. She knows how to reel the audience in and then strengthens her points with such detailed descriptions of every little thing. A common theme throughout this classic is about seeing and gaining the ability to be able to see things for their beauty and what they really are. Dillard also wants her audience to see the things that are usually not noticeable or sometimes evenRead MoreAnnie Dillard Essays861 Words  | 4 Pages Hosford 1 Caitlind Hosford King English 8 April 2014 From Backyard Painter to World Famous Writer Annie Dillard was born on April 30, 1945 as Meta Ann Doak in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was pushed by her high school teachers and attended Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia. Dillard studied literature and creative writing. Sometime in her first two years at school she met Richard Dillard, who she would be engaged to marry her sophomore year of college. After she graduated, she married and moved in with her husbandRead MoreHow Does One Find the Miraculous in the Common? Essay example1187 Words  | 5 Pagescomparison, although Transcendentalist poet Ralph Waldo Emerson would call the previous statement a fallacy. This is due to his belief of finding the miraculous in the common as â€Å"the invariable mark of wisdom†. Emerson along with Henry David Thoreau and Annie Dillard all answered in regards to finding such miracles. These three authors have displayed their reasoning in their popular works. With the works of Self Reliance and Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson defined how one would find the miraculous in theRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Writing Process Of Annie Dillard And Stephen King1050 Words  | 5 PagesEvery writer has a particular way to describe their writing. Whether they describe it as a form of telepathy like the distinguished author, Stephen King, or as a painting like the renowned author, Annie Dillard, an abundance of writers can compare their process of writing to something. Even I have some way to describe my writing, I believe it is like being an architect creating marvelous building and cities made of words. This paper is meant to explain the writing process of the two aforementionedRead MoreFreedom Is The Most Important Freedom Essay1693 Words  | 7 Pagessimilar to the Nepali women living in today’s century. In a scholarly article, Violence Against Women: Nepal’s Situation, written by Professor Dr. Yubraj Sangroula, shows the state of Nepali women living in Nepal. In the memoir, Pilgrim at the Tinker Creek, the female writer Annie Dillard writes about her experiences of exploring nature in 1970’s USA; The US had been providing personal freedom equally to its citizens. The scholarly article, Through Pardah: Social Criticism in Women’s Folksongs from Mithilia
Monday, December 16, 2019
English Pet and Dogs Free Essays
Dogs have always been called â€Å"man’s best friend. †Studies have shown this to be true and dogs are the better pet especially over a cat. Although dogs and cats are both wonderful house pets, dogs are more intelligent and easier to train than cats, and dogs are also far more loving and loyal than most cats will ever be. We will write a custom essay sample on English: Pet and Dogs or any similar topic only for you Order Now When it comes to training, dogs are by far easier and more trainable than cats. Have you ever seen a cat sit or meow on command? Even though dogs do have a longer training period than cats do, there are many more tricks and commands owners can teach them. The article â€Å"New Scientist study finds dogs are better than cats†says that â€Å"Dogs can also follow human gestures, such as an outstretched finger or a nod of the head to find food†(Zoidberg). Dogs are also more sociable and playful than that of a cat as well. They would rather be left alone most of the day taking cat naps and scratching on household furniture. On the other hand dogs would rather be with someone playing in the yard, chasing a ball, or going on walks in the park. The best choice for a family pet would defiantly be a dog since they are the easiest to train and are more willing to be sociable. Dogs also are the more intelligent pet. Dogs have always been more than just a great companion over the years. They have helped people walk, see, hear, and even have rescued people from fires. This is why police cats isn’t a term usually heard, Seeing Eye cats, or rescue cats. Whenever the owner talks to their dog they will tilt their head and seem to have an interest in what they are saying. One study found that a border collie called Rico had mastered the meaning of more than 200 words†(Zoidberg). But when you call a cat they don’t seem to recognize their name being called or don’t even care. This shows that dogs are far more intelligent and have an interest in their owner. Finally, dogs are more loyal and loving than a cat. Dogs have always from the start been loyal to their families. Having moved from living in the wild to living with humans and their need to be a part of a pack however has not changed. Bridget Webber states in the article â€Å"Why dogs are more loyal than cats†that â€Å"cats [tend to] move from household to household because they like to see if something better is on offer elsewhere. A dog would rarely behave in such a way. Once they have found a friendly owner they tend to stick by their side, rather than constantly keeping an eye open to spot if a better deal comes along. †So therefore, they will always be loyal to their family unit and particularly to their owner. It also seems that both cats and dogs show how loving they can be but do they have other motives? Usually if a cat cuddles up in your lab or rubs up against your leg it’s either because that person is warm or their food bowl is empty. But dogs can sit with someone or wait by the door for hours for their owners to come back home. Dogs do provide more of an unconditional love without any strings attached. Cats and dogs will always both be wonderful pets to have, but dogs are still more suitable, loyal, and loving of the two. Dogs have that special connection with their owners that cats don’t seem to always have. Most pet owners enjoy having a dog as a pet and they will always be man’s best friend. How to cite English: Pet and Dogs, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Ethics and Governance Business Organisations
Question: Discuss about the Ethics and Governance: Business Organisations. Answer: Introduction Business organisations cannot only function by considering ethical principles and just the business rules. The managers and the corporate strategies are only the individuals who are responsible for putting different types of business ethics into practice that suits the framework of the particular business strategy. All the shareholders of a company have some desires on the investment they make along with proper growth and development of the organisation. It must be made sure that corporate official of an organisation always should develop some aligned principles for an executive management of the company just for the purpose of making sure that profit base of the organisation day by day gets strengthen (Bonn et al 2005). The corporate ethics is a completely legal concept and it helps in protecting the rights and responsibilities of the staffs. All in all business ethics and governance do provide maximum priority to the management of the organisation. Performing business activities be holding principles of corporate governance affect the stakeholders, employees, shareholders and the community at a large. The ethics within organisations mean principles and values that are needed to be followed by individuals working within the organisation to carry out the activities and make effective decisions in business. These are actually sets of principles which can guide the organisation towards the right kinds of activities and also ensure proper functioning of policies and making of good decisions for the success of the company. The ethical philosophical concepts are used by business organisations to conduct business in an effective manner and also create a good reputation of the company along with enhance the production level and improve the bottom level of the organisation in terms of business (Alles, 2009). Illustrating two Different Theories that Clarifies why Organisation Fail in Ethics Test One of the theories that clarifies why organisations fail in the ethics test is the involvement of different corporate psychopaths who are mainly found to overstate different business problem overlooking the situation and less concerned about the fact that in overlooking the situation the business problem would rise up more rather than getting decreased. Another theory suggests that leniency in running a business company also makes a company fail in ethics test. U.S president George W. Bust have clearly stated that in case there exist some worst staffs or manages who are not very much concerned about the business performance of a company, their suggestion might lead a company to failure in business (Bowie 2005). Thus, Jeremy Moon in this context suggest that in order to make a company achieve success in the ethics test, it is important for the managers see whether corporate social responsibility is properly invested and if it is still considered as just an expenditure then to transfo rm it. Different ethical leaders should be made involved into business so that companies are able to experience the reality of workforce and bring up changes in the organisation in order to make it pass the ethics test (Birmingham Doyle, 2009). The ethics are important within organisations and these are used by the leaders of the organisation to manage the performance of employees and raise their level of morale by developing a sense of trust and loyalty. The procedures set up by the leader must be acceptable by the employees working there. Due to the high ethical standards of the leader, the performance of workers would also improve, thereby making them perform to their potential and enhance the reputation and good image of the company within the financial market. Considering these ethical standards would improve the productivity of business as well as maintain ethical behaviour among workers and make them perform with honesty and integrity (Chadwick et al, 2014). The workers of the organisation use ethics to guide their behaviour and also follow the employee policies and procedures while trying to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organisation. The ethical employees could also meet the quality standards in their work, which would automatically influence the quality of products or services offered by the company. The culture present within the organisation must also be ethical so that the leaders of the organisation and employees adhere to various regulations , rules and codes of conducts. The managers of the organisation can maintain examine the behaviour and attitudes of employees and then create an ethical culture, with the help of rewarding the employees and also motivating all those workers who maintain high values and integrity which match the codes of ethics of the organisation. Utilitarian theory is one of the theories where organisations fail in terms of ethics test as because the right course of action is not determined that could benefit the majority and serve the greater good of people. Due to lack of maintaining the ethical policies and procedures, the organisation could fail to fulfil the needs and requirements of people which would further hinder the innovation and managing risks in business (Nicol?escu, 2013). The ethics within organisation can help to create a good culture and also improve the morale of employees, thus resulting in employee retention and increasing organisational productivity. The cost of replacing the workers would decrease and the productivity would keep on increasing as well (Gottweis et al, 2008). Demonstrating the Four Different Reasons as Stated by Moon thatIllustrates Why Corporations at Times are Found to Behave Badly Jeremy Moon after carrying out a recent research and examination on the global financial crisis have been able to illustrate four different reasons which simply states why corporations are found to behave quite unusually or badly at times. As according to his statement the first reasons for which corporations behave badly is the poor alignments that exist between the different ways in which a business market is naturally fund to perform business activities and the ethical expectation of the common people from the corporations business (Christensen et al 2007). Also it might happen because sometimes it is found that consumers hold on the believe that if any company is required to function perfectly in the competitive business field then they should only opt for cheap products from the company. the second reason for which corporation is often found to show negative behaviour is that leaders of the company when intending to start off with a business fails to step into the market unethic ally which makes them stay totally unaware of the legal rules and principles and this brings in more risk to the business. The third most significant reason that makes a corporation function quite unusually or make it behave badly is the failure of professionalism in two different fronts, this happens mainly because sometimes managers of a company are found to keep aside the employers handbook and professional development programs restricts the company to perform efficiently, while the other front is not settling up corporate social responsibility properly. The last reason is the failure of different regulatory administration which did not bring positive results to a corporations business (Crane et al 2007). Moon further stated that few of the other reasons due to which company fail include ignoring the handbooks on ethics that were necessary to be studied by the workers of the organisation and also lack if professional development programs that were needed to be provided to the employees. Without understanding the corporate social responsibility, the managers could not bring good ethical outcomes which were needed to be implemented in business circumstances. Rather than keeping those idly, it would have been essential for studying those and understand the regulatory procedures which could bring good ethical outcomes. The rules and regulations that are set within the global tax environment are complex, as a result of which those are not properly understood by the workers, which lead to less productivity and unethical culture (Renneboog et al, 2008). The CSR should be considered by the leaders of the organisation as major form of investment that could not only improve the skills and ensur e ethical decision making but also bring out the next generation leaders with time. Those individuals could be further provided with better training programs and also re-socialised as soon as they would experience the different phases of reality while working with others as a combined workforce. This would facilitate innovation and also improve the efficiency of the organisation, thereby ensuring maintenance of both ethical standards and also control he organisation with the help of corporate governance (Robertson et al, 2013). Though the research ethics and corporate governance look like same, still there are few differences between those. While talking about the ethics in research, we know about the considerations and also the dilemmas which have been faced during the research. This can help to gain in depth analysis of research but also create a report on the findings and outcomes that are derived in the end. The governance of research means ensuring that the research quality is setting high standards through assurance and regulations followed. In order to make important decisions in business, the workers of the organisation should follow the regulatory procedures, comply to the needs and requirements of the organisation and ensure lawful and effective corporate behaviour. The ethics, frameworks of corporate governance and mechanisms are linked with the business programs as a result of which these can provide knowledge, analytical and decision making skills to identity and resolve the issues and problems faced (Sudlow et al, 2015). This would definitely help to maintain ethical standards and also make sure that incidents do not happen like the happened with Bangladeshi clothing factory, as stated in the case study. According to the Given Article that Demonstrates Four Vital Reasons which makes a Company Behave Badly. In Context to This, Illustrating Personal Reasons that make a Company Behave Badly. From a personal perspective I would like to state some reasons for which a company at time is notice to behave quite strangely or even badly. Some of such reasons have been illustrated below: Success gained by the company in all perspective- when organisational leaders or managers finds that they have gained success in business in all perspective then they develop a feeling of running business in their own will and does not consider the statements of other business leaders as important which simply makes other feel quite awkward and they simply state that the mangers of that particular company is behaving quite badly (Eon Rossouw et al 2010). Professional ethics at times are notice to feel quite proud of themselves and they dont intend to share their ideas with other which makes other feel that bad about their nature. Perceived invincibility- leaders of the company are always habituated with the concept of achieving success and are also habituated with the different people who would implement their own whim. Rationalisation- a company wherein the managers possess this thinking that he is the most prior person of the organisation cannot achieve success because staffs or other employees who are working in the company are not able to adjust oneself in such a professional situation where their thoughts does not have any value this simply makes an organisation fail in business because their does not exist cooperation among the workforce (Rossouw 2005). From my opinion, one of the major reasons for which companies behave badly are the lack of providing the right shares and values to the shareholders who invest on the company. Often it becomes difficult for the company to deliver the right shareholder value by setting the overall corporate objective. This shows that the business has lost focus from the actual aim and purpose, which can go horribly wrong and make the business fail. The business organisation must generate good revenues in business and also generate good returns which could result in proper functioning of business. The thoughts of shareholders or investors could also be a problem when there would be lack of alignment between the motivation of shareholders and organisational aims and objectives (Alles, 2009). If the company do not ensure making the shareholders support the goals and objectives of the organisation, then also the company will not be able to innovate their products and also struggle to survive in the compet itive business environment, as a happened with the clothing factory in business. The low quality products were being manufactured by low quality machines and other equipments and also due to lack of ethical standards, it collapsed and caused the death of many people, nearly 1000. Nowadays consumers want good quality products at cheap prices, which is not always possible, so there have been improper ways of marketing functioning and also ethical expectations which are often not fulfilled by the leaders of the organisation (Nicol?escu, 2013). The leaders of organisations need to know about ethics in business and step up to the mark ethically, which would ensure performance by the workers to their potential and bring out favourable results. The companies also fail due to lack of democracy. The workers and suppliers care about the long term success of the company while if the shareholders do not have any interest to succeed in the long run, then there can be conflicts and misunderstanding, that is one of the major reasons due to which companies fail. The maximising of shareholders; return should be done along with focusing on the targets, which would lead to focus on the objective. If this is not done, then the company will be cutting corners, compliance failures and also carry out ways of misconduct, which will destroy the reputation and image of the company too (Renneboog et al, 2008). By maintaining ethics and also complying with the organisation rules, regulation and procedures, the companies would be able to overcome f ailures and also lead towards sustainable development. Conclusion Managers of a business company are considered as the prime decision makers of the organisation and they are also found to hold themselves accountable for the way a company is running the business and is affecting the stakeholders of the company. On the other hand corporate governance is estimated to be one kind of strict adherence over the business ethics of a company that helps in maintaining the business completely in a very professional level. To maintain corporate governance of a company every corporate managers are entitled to carry out their primary responsibilities at the first concern (Ryan et al 2010). Equally it is important for a companys corporate managers to consider all the laws and legal principles while developing corporate rules so that it does it overlook the business strategy and make the company function in a just manner. Thus today for running a business successfully in the competitive business market it is important that managers of a company are able to perfect ly manage working of their employees so that production range of the company is maintained (Sudlow et al, 2015). Reference- Alles, M. (2009). Ethics and governance.International Journal of Disclosure and Governance,6(4), 275. Birmingham, K., Doyle, A. (2009). Ethics and governance of a longitudinal birth cohort.Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology,23(s1), 39-50. Bonn, I., Fisher, J. (2005). Corporate governance and business ethics: Insights from the strategic planning experience. Corporate governance: An international review, 13(6), 730-738. Bowie, N. E. (2005). Management ethics. Chadwick, R., Levitt, M., Shickle, D. (Eds.). (2014).The right to know and the right not to know: genetic privacy and responsibility. Cambridge University Press. Christensen, L. J., Peirce, E., Hartman, L. P., Hoffman, W. M., Carrier, J. (2007). Ethics, CSR, and sustainability education in the Financial Times top 50 global business schools: Baseline data and future research directions. Journal of Business Ethics, 73(4), 347-368. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2007). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press, USA. Eon Rossouw, D., Van Vuuren, L. (2010). Business ethics. Oxford University Press, 2010. Gottweis, H., Petersen, A. (Eds.). (2008).Biobanks: Governance in comparative perspective. Routledge. Nicol?escu, E. (2013). Business ethics, corporate governance, and social responsibility.Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics,1(1), 86-92. Renneboog, L., Ter Horst, J., Zhang, C. (2008). The price of ethics and stakeholder governance: The performance of socially responsible mutual funds.Journal of Corporate Finance,14(3), 302-322. Robertson, C. J., Blevins, D. P., Duffy, T. (2013). A five-year review, update, and assessment of ethics and governance in Strategic Management Journal.Journal of Business Ethics,117(1), 85-91. Rossouw, G. J. (2005). Business ethics and corporate governance: A global survey. Business and Society, 44(1), 32. Ryan, L. V., Buchholtz, A. K., Kolb, R. W. (2010). New directions in corporate governance and finance: Implications for business ethics research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(04), 673-694. Sudlow, C., Gallacher, J., Allen, N., Beral, V., Burton, P., Danesh, J., ... Liu, B. (2015). UK biobank: an open access resource for identifying the causes of a wide range of complex diseases of middle and old age.PLoS medicine,12(3), e1001779. Thorne, D. M., Ferrell, O. C., Ferrell, L. (2010). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility and ethics. South-Western Cengage Learning.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Teacher psychopathic Review Essay Example
Teacher psychopathic Review Paper Essay on Teacher psychopathic Everyone says, we have in the school was such a teacher (teacher), this psihichka (crazy) and the cycle of history. Pretty standard that is part of a set of psycho-teacher: insults students, inadequate reactions, occasional physical abuse, biased evaluation. Well, plus the individual set looks strange, yelling in class, hates being in a classroom talking, reading aloud snatched love notes On the other hand, the work of the teacher in Russia one of the most dangerous, nerve, kinfarktuprivodyaschih. Because todays children, too, on the assurances of the teachers, not the most balanced. Daring, blunt, not respect, they do not appreciate. Not a teacher now threatens to call the parents and the children to the teacher you know who my father is, vaaschee So the appearance of the Messiah is predetermined. Get the children! Take that school! This teacher-psychopath. Rudolf Veniaminovich ready. For disobedience, insolence, arrogance, stupidity and debilizm I am going to beat me worthless you put a drug and call the police Why does everyone think that the teacher of the students must be a mountain? Your problem not my problem. The teacher hates all, does not respect anyone, it mocks all. It comes to the library and requires Mein kapf without obtaining the required tipping the rack with the Soviet g..nom. It gives a list of all learners preobidneyshie nicknames. It puts flowers donated to the first of September, in the garbage can. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is the first pages of the book. Awful from the point of view of genealogists of morality, but still terribly funny You can laugh (laugh out loud), can be resent.. But you need to read. Certainly. Because it is a cool book. For real. Crazy and insane. There is an expression went to the roof. So this is the complete demolition of the house » WARNING: Some books rather vulgar place, children up to 16 years to read forbidden .!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Shakespeares Tempest debating Civilized Man vs Natural Man
Shakespeares Tempest debating Civilized Man vs Natural Man Free Online Research Papers Shakespeare wrote many works in his life. One of his most famous works is the Tempest. In the Tempest there is a big debate on whether â€Å"civilized man†or the â€Å"natural man†was the superior one. At first people of the past thought of the natural man as being savage, brutal, and in his mind he was noble and had just as much control as the civilized man[Williams, p.171]. Later people thought the natural man as being uneffected by anything which earned him the term â€Å"noble savage†. He was also thought of as being corrupt and greatly effected by events[Williams, p.172]. Just as Montaigue says in his famous apologia for the natural man that it might be more barbaric to â€Å"mangle by tortures and torments a body full of lively sense under pretense of pietie and religion than to roast and eat him after he is dead†[Shakespeare, p.98]. Shakespeare does not take either side in the Tempest . The â€Å"natural man†is savage, intemperate, and brutal, incapable of higher reasoning and lacking the intelligence for nurture to â€Å"stick†[Barron, p.79]. While Shakespeare’s portrayal is not totally unsympathetic, Shakespeare is very far from being admirable and far from being a â€Å"noble savage†. However Shakespeare does show how Antonio’s conscious choice of evil even though he was suppose to have born of a â€Å"good womb†upbringing[Ching, p.147]. However Shakespeare does not show signs of corruption in the civilized world because that would suggest a side being taken to the argument. With all of this the debate between art and nature takes place. Art prefers to Prospero’s magic, which he uses to control nature. However while Prospero’s art can be said to imply the self-discipline, temperance, and virtue required to practice it, â€Å"Art†can also refer, in a wider sense, to the enlightened, refined intellect that can only be found with the advantages that civilization offers[Ching, p.165]. Because of this Antonio’s intelligence can be thought of as just as much form as Prospero’s which is more a form for self-interest, and to sense evil. Because of this art is thought of as more dangerous[Ching, p.166]. â€Å"So much more terrible is the sun of the nobleman who abrases below the natural†[Shakespeare, p.123], Antonio replies at the end of the piece of literature. Antonio is more evil then others such as Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo combined. Also not because of the way he grew up but because of his form of art h e must try to get Prospero good again as well[Barron, p.93]. Nature is shown in Caliban, even though he is to â€Å"indicate corruption and degeneracy in the civilized world†, and he is suppose to be a â€Å"virtuous shepherd of normal pastoral†, Caliban behaves in accordance with his instinctual urges[Ching, p.98]. But thankfully Caliban’s behavior is a lot less worrying then Antonio’s. He does not have any power or he will not when he is back in Milan. The same thing happens with Stephano and Trinculo, even though they are bound to â€Å"Nature†, there is not must intimidation by a butler and a jester. All three lack because they can so easily be controlled. Their â€Å"natural†tendencies are, moreover, less distressing than antonio’s taste for evil, since none had the advantages of birth and breeding[Ching, p.157]. Caliban, because of parenting alone is at a disadvantage because he born of an incubus and a witch. This is leading to Caliban not even being human[Ching, p.159]. They can be accused of a lot of things but being evil is certainly not one of them although you can not say the same thing about Antonio. This fact may perhaps partially account for Prospero’s acknowledgement of Caliban at the end of the play and his relatively cold treatment of Antonio, whom he forgives, but does not speak much to[Barron, p.99]. With all this, the Tempest presents â€Å"nature†as being far from the idealistic image created by Montaigne and those who thought similarly[Ching, p.203]. Although if you really look at art then you will see that it can be just as dangerous if misused. If art is used properly, however, it can control nature and curb its baser urges or at least prevent them from being carried out[Ching, p.204]. While the need for control over nature is shown , the ending suggests that art must come to terms with nature, as shown when at the end Caliban;s relationship with Prospero seems to be more stable and more reassuring than the resentment-filled extremely uneasy jailor-prisoner relationship shown earlier [Ching, p.204]. Besides from Shakespeare’s later life his early life is quite interesting also. He was the parish register of Holy Trinity Church, and was baptized there on April 26, 1564; his birthday is traditionally celebrated on April 23. His father, John Shakespeare, was a burgess of the borough, who in 1565 was chosen an alderman and in 1568 bailiff. At the age of eighteen Shakespeare married â€Å"Anne Hathaway of Stratford†. Anne died after seven years of marriage. There are records that show that William had a daughter named Susanna, and later had twins named Hamnet and Judith [Gwinn, p.265]. In William’s private life he bought properties in London and Stratford. In 1605 he bought one-fifth of the Stratford tithes. Shakespeare’s will, which was made on March 25, 1616 is a very long and detailed document. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 so there is some speculation that William was on his death bed at the time of the will being written. No name was in scribed on his gravestone in the channel of the parish church of Stratford-upon-Avon. Instead thes lines were inscribed on it â€Å" Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbear to dig the dust enclosed here. Blest be the man that spares these stones. And curst be he that moves my bones†[Gwinn, p.266]. Research Papers on Shakespeare's Tempest debating Civilized Man vs Natural ManComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMind TravelWhere Wild and West MeetAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Spring and Autumn
Friday, November 22, 2019
Aqueous Solution Definition in Chemistry
Aqueous Solution Definition in Chemistry Aqueous solution definition: An aqueous solution is any solution in which water (H2O) is the solvent. In a chemical equation, the symbol (aq) follows a species name to indicate it is in aqueous solution. For example, dissolving salt in water has the chemical reaction: NaCl(s) → Na(aq) Cl-(aq) Although water is often called the universal solvent, it dissolves only substances that are hydrophilic in nature. Examples of hydrophilic molecules include acids, bases, and many salts. Substances that are hydrophobic do not dissolve well in water and tend not to form aqueous solutions. Examples include many organic molecules, including fats and oils. When electrolytes (e.g., NaCl, KCl) dissolve in water, the ions allow the solution to conduct electricity. Nonelectrolytes like sugar also dissolve in water, but the molecule remains intact and the solution is not conductive. Aqueous Solution Examples Cola, saltwater, rain, acid solutions, base solutions, and salt solutions are examples of aqueous solutions. Examples of solutions that are not aqueous solutions include any liquid that does not contain water. Vegetable oil, toluene, acetone, carbon tetrachloride, and solutions made using these solvents are not aqueous solutions. Similarly, if a mixture contains water but no solute dissolves in the water as a solvent, an aqueous solution is not formed. For example, mixing sand and water does not produce an aqueous solution.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Terrorist Attacks and Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Terrorist Attacks and Risk Assessment - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that as much as terror attacks instill fear, the terrorist does so to get the target government to respond to their demands. Over the last decade, this strategy has worked in favor of the terrorist regardless the efforts by most governments in eradicating terrorism, elevating the risk and probabilities of terror attacks in future. The uncertainty surrounding risks of terror attacks is indisputable, making risk assessment very difficult. In the U.S., Homeland Security is the body tasked with the responsibility of assessing the risk of terror attacks. Homeland Security has formulated a model that analyses the risk of attack from three perspectives; the threat posed, vulnerability to attacks and the consequences of an attack. It has also categorized the risk into either asset-based or geographically based attacks. These developments by Homeland Security have helped in enhancing preparedness, ability to protect or respond to terror attacks. In conclusion, the current risk assessment is not good enough for any government to assure its people protection from terror attacks.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
German Machinery Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
German Machinery Development - Essay Example This essay highlights that the machinery industry entered a period of virtual crisis in the early 1990s; this made German experience stagnant sales and faced competition from foreign firms. The decline of cooperation with other regions, loss of domestic sales, high costs of wages and other benefits for employees in the machinery industry contributed to the crisis in German. As the paper stresses knowledge in Mechanical manufacturing has given German an upper hand in product exports in the international market thus boosting its economy. Mechanical manufacturing is the largest and most influential industry in German. Other key industries include the chemical and car manufacturing industry. Engineers in German have acquired an outstanding reputation for having practical backgrounds than those from their counterparts. The German machinery development did not exist through a vacuum. The development of machinery in German would be initiated through its environment, which favors the t echnical training at all levels. The German universities have obtained a stellar status. Their education has close ties to the industrial sector. Companies regularly extend internships and apprenticeships even to the high school students. The upcoming engineering technicians and grads have chances to begin careers with an intimate comprehension of their business companies. The companies initiate the programs for career development so that the employees hired in future become productive. Such programs breed loyalty and stability, especially in communities where firms of engineering get established. The establishment of engineering courses provides trainees with proper knowledge on developing machines. There are a number of essentials underlying engineering in German. I. The German exports encompass mechanical engineering products as compared to other countries. II. As reported last year, over 20 percent of all exported machinery in the global sector came from German. III. In the past two years, the German machinery makers increased to approximately 50,000 employees. The country expects the number to increase in the coming years. IV. Over the last decades, the number of German’s mechanical engineers continues to double. V. The rapidly growing segment for automation and robotics companies in German over the past five years include the machine vision technology. German provides the hottest engineering fields such as automation, Information Technology, and mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering gears towards design of machinery. The broad field involves mechatronics. It combines electrical and mechanical engineering, and computer science. Fachhochschulen is another field which emphasizes applied technology. This field practically and directly deals with industrial technologies. The established institutes also offer automation technology. Through skills and knowledge acquired in various fields of engineering, the equipment and machinery sector in German has continued to flourish in the economic center of Europe (Polland 25). The machinery development sectors are one of the motors of technology that continues to drive German as a nation of high-tech. It combines every key for potential technologies including software, robotics materials, and electronics. The industry of machinery and equipment in German gets strengthened by a co mbination of German’s approved engineering traditions. This makes it a highly diversified base. The machinery sector in German remains powerful in Europe for it has experienced growth in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Communication in an Organisation Essay Example for Free
Communication in an Organisation Essay It is not possible to have human relations without communication. However, good and effective communication is required not only for good human relations but also for good and successful business. Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the senders intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. It requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality and the communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender so communication must include both the transfer and the understanding of meaning. I think that effective communication is needed within a business for both the manager’s and the organization’s success because it is required for the day to day running of the business. Effective communication is required at various levels and for various aspects in an organization so that there can be manager and employee relations. Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. The manager cannot get the work done from employees unless they are communicated effectively of what he/she wants to be done so therefore effective communication does not take place within an organization then employees will not know how to go about achieving company goals. Managers should also be sure of some basic facts such as how to communicate and what results can be expected from that communication. Most of management problems arise because of lack of effective communication. Chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system. When there is ineffective communication it leaves room for mistakes and sometime projects and reports have to be revised or done over thus causing resources to be squandered and may cause employees and managers to be frustrated. Finally, communication between management and employees can help the management better address concerns the employees may have, reassuring the staff and helping management to remedy potential problems facing the organization. Motivation can also arise from effective communication and this can make employees more productive which in turn will ensure the success of the business. When employees are able to easily communicate to their employers their opinions and problems they tend to be productive on the job and intent on working to best of their abilities. On the other hand manager can tell employees that they are doing a great job or ask for their opinions in the decision making process. Effective communication in the workplace plays a prominent role in developing long lasting employee motivation and one of many positive benefits gained from well-established organizational communication is improved relationships. Improving relationships between management and staff is quite important and is often overlooked. Things will go smoothly when everyone is on the same page, understanding of goals and the direction a company is going. The best process of communicating here is well thought out emails that follow the chain of command and face to face interactions. A company also uses communication as a way to maintain control over employees and their work environment. Written human resources policies and procedures dictate how employees are permitted to act in the workplace. Job descriptions outline the parameters of an employees job functions. Performance reviews control whether an employee receives a raise or attains a promotion. Communication allows employees to interact with customers and each other. A customer service department communicates with customers to help them resolve issues. A business letter can be used to introduce a company to a potential customer. Communication is essential for employees who work together on a project or during the training process. Employees may interact socially both at work and outside the workplace. Every organization offers a service or good so there needs to be an effective line of communication between the organization and its customers. Those organizations need to be able communicate about what they are offering with the consumer base they are targeting. Effective communication with consumers provides two benefits. First, it lets consumers know about what is being offered and why the organizations offers should be preferred over the competitions. It also allows the organization to gain feedback from consumers so they can alter either their communication tactics or their offers to make sure they are appealing to the largest amount of consumers possible. Communication is necessary to effectively function, both inside an organization and when dealing with the outside world. The above inferences attest to the importance of effective communication within an organization if it is intent on both the manager and business success. Effective communication is not only important within the organization but also information should relay to stakeholders in order to guarantee the organizations attainment of its goals.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Violence as Displacement: The Erotic Gaze in Gladiator and Fight Club :: Essays Papers
Violence as Displacement: The Erotic Gaze in Gladiator and Fight Club On the screen, two men writhe and grapple on the cold concrete floor. One man on top, holding the other from behind in a chokehold that causes the man on the bottom to succumb to the more powerful man. The dialogue by the narrator states that, â€Å"Sometimes all you could hear were the flap, hard packing sounds over the yelling, or the wet choke when someone caught their breath and sprayed†(Fight Club). The soundtrack consists of a few notes repeated over and over again in a steady rhythm to the action that is happening on the screen. The camera focuses on a close-up of the face of the man on bottom as he contorts into an expression of both pain and pleasure and moans loudly. Finally, the two men get up after the action is finished and embrace. Panting and moaning, the last shudders of pleasure leave their bodies as the scene fades out and begins again with another couple struggling on the cold concrete floor. The scene described above sounds as if it should be found in a pornographic video displayed on the shelves of a sex shop located in the back alleys of Soho in London. However, this scene is taken from director David Fincher’s widely popular film Fight Club. Even though the scene has an intense air of the homoerotic, the characters in the film are actually fighting and not having sex. Steve Neale addresses this phenomenon in his article â€Å"Masculinity as Spectacle†. He upholds the view of feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey by maintaining that the spectatorial look in mainstream cinema is always male. A problem arises when the look of the spectator is forced upon an erotic shot of a male figure. The article states, â€Å"that in a heterosexual and patriarchal society, the male body cannot be marked explicitly as the erotic object of another male look: that look must be motivated in some other way, its erotic component repressed†(Neale 14). The e rotic component is repressed with violence or with mutilation of the male body. This repression is often found in the action genre in such films as Gladiator and Fight Club where the female object of the spectator gaze is replaced with male figures.
Monday, November 11, 2019
True Education
Rachel Kumler Mr. Friedrich English 12 12 December 2012 Crunch Time for Education True education is knowledge obtained by one and to be able to use and comprehend that information in their everyday life. Education should be a thing in a child’s life that they should look forward to coming to five days a week. The fulfillment of learning something new in every single class, every single day should be the reason a kid gets out of bed every morning. Today’s society is very different though, majority of the students dread having to wake up in the morning knowing that they have to sit through school all day.If kids were truly learning something new, they would be happy to be at school. A big problem in today’s education is the way a school day is set up. A typical school day, which is eight hours in length, wastes way too much time on things that are not education-related. For example, four minutes between every class is wasted just for kids to walk to a different cla ssroom, totaling over a half-hour of time that could be used for educational purposes instead. Another example is that the lunch periods are 30 minutes long, when it only takes a majority of the kids between 10-15 minutes to eat, the rest of the time is used socializing.A third and final example of wasted time is study halls. During study halls kids do one of two things; They either sit there the whole 45 minutes goofing of with friends or they do their homework. Homework, work to be done at home, is given to reinforce information that students have learned that day. If kids are doing their homework at school anyway, then the establishment of â€Å"home†-work was not a very judicious thing to create. The time in the length of a school day should be made more valuable. The Bay Village High School has a block schedule set in place for everyday of the week, not just two of the days.It is a known fact that Bay Village tests very well on their state tests. Due to not having as man y class changes, and having more time to learn in a period could be the reason they are succeeding. At the Indiana Prison where some inmates were receiving an education through Ball State, the inmates were learning faster and more material than what was being taught at the actual Ball State College. The reasoning behind this is because all they had to do at prison was eat, sleep, go to class, and study.If kids had nothing else to do after school, they would have more time to focus on their studies. To solve the problem of wasted time and not enough focus from students, public schools can make a few changes. First, block scheduling is vital for success. Students should be able to come to school for a few hours, sit in one classroom without leaving or having any distractions such as fire drills, announcements, or being called down to the office. School should not be 8 hours long but only a total of about 4 hours.If a class has the same teacher just teach multiple subjects, a majority of the time wasted can be eliminated because there are no classroom changes or lunch breaks. Another thing is that school sports and clubs should be eliminated right after school so that kids can go home and study or do homework. If kids are sitting through school all day worrying about their basketball practice or how the swim team gets to leave school early for an away meet, it takes the focus off of learning. If school was not so long and a waste of time, kids would not dread coming to school. True Education Rachel Kumler Mr. Friedrich English 12 12 December 2012 Crunch Time for Education True education is knowledge obtained by one and to be able to use and comprehend that information in their everyday life. Education should be a thing in a child’s life that they should look forward to coming to five days a week. The fulfillment of learning something new in every single class, every single day should be the reason a kid gets out of bed every morning. Today’s society is very different though, majority of the students dread having to wake up in the morning knowing that they have to sit through school all day.If kids were truly learning something new, they would be happy to be at school. A big problem in today’s education is the way a school day is set up. A typical school day, which is eight hours in length, wastes way too much time on things that are not education-related. For example, four minutes between every class is wasted just for kids to walk to a different cla ssroom, totaling over a half-hour of time that could be used for educational purposes instead. Another example is that the lunch periods are 30 minutes long, when it only takes a majority of the kids between 10-15 minutes to eat, the rest of the time is used socializing.A third and final example of wasted time is study halls. During study halls kids do one of two things; They either sit there the whole 45 minutes goofing of with friends or they do their homework. Homework, work to be done at home, is given to reinforce information that students have learned that day. If kids are doing their homework at school anyway, then the establishment of â€Å"home†-work was not a very judicious thing to create. The time in the length of a school day should be made more valuable. The Bay Village High School has a block schedule set in place for everyday of the week, not just two of the days.It is a known fact that Bay Village tests very well on their state tests. Due to not having as man y class changes, and having more time to learn in a period could be the reason they are succeeding. At the Indiana Prison where some inmates were receiving an education through Ball State, the inmates were learning faster and more material than what was being taught at the actual Ball State College. The reasoning behind this is because all they had to do at prison was eat, sleep, go to class, and study.If kids had nothing else to do after school, they would have more time to focus on their studies. To solve the problem of wasted time and not enough focus from students, public schools can make a few changes. First, block scheduling is vital for success. Students should be able to come to school for a few hours, sit in one classroom without leaving or having any distractions such as fire drills, announcements, or being called down to the office. School should not be 8 hours long but only a total of about 4 hours.If a class has the same teacher just teach multiple subjects, a majority of the time wasted can be eliminated because there are no classroom changes or lunch breaks. Another thing is that school sports and clubs should be eliminated right after school so that kids can go home and study or do homework. If kids are sitting through school all day worrying about their basketball practice or how the swim team gets to leave school early for an away meet, it takes the focus off of learning. If school was not so long and a waste of time, kids would not dread coming to school.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Is Rosalind the Perfect Heroine? Essay
â€Å"As You Like It†, is yet another Shakespearian play that pities nature against civilisation, masculinity against femininity, idealism against cynicism, youth against age, child against parent, time against timelessness, and love against hate. It’s both a gentle, pastoral comedy of love, and a dark and sexually ambiguous comment on gender construction. Rosalind as a character is both a heroine and a portrayal of feminism. The evolution of feminine identity within a patriarchal system of power informs both the setting and characterization of this play. Rosalind dominates the play. As the audience we fully realise the complexity of her character. We understand her emotions, her subtle thoughts, and the fullness of her character that no other character in the play can match. She is successful as a knowledgeable and charming critic of herself and others â€Å"I would give him some good counsel for himself, for he seems to have the quotidian of love above him.†The definition of a heroine looked up in a dictionary is: a woman possessing heroic qualities or a woman who has performed heroic deeds. This definition can be subjective however depending on the context and the time in which the heroine’s character was portrayed. The definition of a heroine changes and evolves over time which is why what a modern audience would class a heroine characterisations is different to the definition of a heroine during the Elizabethan times. The traditional method takes the idea that all characters are real and have lives of their own. This is very different to the modern method as it is structured around the idea that characters are only functions that portray Shakespeare’s ideas. They are all part of Shakespeare’s stage craft. They reflect the bigger aspect of the play. They all have particular dramatic functions, and are set in a social and political world with particular values and beliefs. Looking at a play from a traditional approach is a more imaginative and less academic, however this does allow the audience to become involved and emotionally attached to the characters. This way of approaching a play was used in the time of Shakespeare as plays were made purely for performance. Features of a 17th century heroine differs from a modern day heroine. In the Elizabethan times, beauty, innocence, intelligence, wit and independence would have been classed as heroine qualities. A modern day heroine is thought to be a person that has strength of character, a courageous and original person. Nowadays facial features and beauty does not really count as a heroic quality. However perceptions and ideas of heroines differ from one person to another and this needs to be kept in mind. The portrayal of Rosalind is open to interpretations. It has been interpreted differently by different versions of performances and films. It has also been interpreted differently by different characters in the play. Celia sees Rosalind (Ganymede) as someone who has â€Å"misused our sex†. Other characters like phebe fall in love with (Ganymede) â€Å"I love Ganymede†. In Elizabethan times Rosalind would be viewed as a very feminine character who was at liberty when dressed as a male. This is because in the Elizabethan era, women were viewed as being weak and men as being in control and powerful. Therefore when a woman was dressed as a man she was at more liberty and could do things that she couldn’t have done if she was in form of a woman. Nowadays Rosalind can be viewed a tomboy. Rosalind is a particular favourite amongst the feminist critics, who admire her ability to subvert the limitations that the society imposes on her as a woman. With boldness and imagina tion she disguises herself as a young man for most of the play in order to woo the man she loves and instructs him in how to be a more accomplished and attentive lover, a tutorship which would not be welcome to her as a woman. â€Å"You shall never take her without her answer, unless you take her without her tongue. O that woman cannot make her fault her husband’s occasion, let her nurse hr child herself, for she’ll breed it like a fool.†Rosalind and Celia develop into women. In the court these are inexperienced girls, yet as the comic action moves forward, they are forced to take on disguises and discover what it means to be a woman. Rosalind derives her power from her masculine disguise, and much of her humour is antifeminine. It can be said that this detracts her from being a perfect heroine. She can not exercise such power and control when being simply herself. It’s Celia who actually makes the first step into adult heterosexual womanhood. She’s angry over Rosalind’s boorish behaviour as Ganymede, Celia berates her cousin and says â€Å"we must have your doublet and hose plucked over your head, and show the world what the bird hath done to her own nest.†As mentioned before Rosalind’s character is open to a myriad of readings. Harold Bloom describes her as a character that â€Å"is at once so accomplished in wit, and so little interested in the power that great wit can bring if properly exercised.†Completely contradicting this, Camille Paglia writes â€Å"Rosalind and Ganymede pretend to be a rakish lady killer and, at her assumption of that sexual persona, actually becomes one. She is all sex and power.†Such critical disagreements are not uncommon for plays such as â€Å"As You like It†. In my opinion both of these critics are right in what they say. However Paglia is a bit too unfair and biased. I understand her point about Rosalind being all â€Å"sex and power†, but I disagree with her saying that she’s a â€Å"radish lady killer.†In my opinion Rosalind is a character that challenges feminism. When dressed as Ganymede she portrays the thoughts of men at the time. Shakespeare uses Rosalind to put this point across. That is the fact that at the time men misrepresented and repressed women. This is quite ironic as Rosalind is herself a female and the fact that at some points during the play, she puts females down is due to the fact that she’s trying to act like a man and the men at the time had these types of approach and attitudes towards females. In my opinion she’s not acting the way she does to put women down, but to show the audience how ridiculous it is for men to behave that way towards women and to introduce dramatic irony into the play. In my opinion Rosalind is a perfect heroine, however like any character or any other human being she has fatal flows which in this case has been sheltered by her virtues of character. I completely agree with Bloom on his describing of Rosalind. He also says that she’s â€Å"harmoniously balanced and beautifully sane†, which again I consent with. However he says that Rosalind is not interested in the power that her wit brings her. I think that Rosalind as a character is well aware of the power that she has as Ganymede and the power that her wit brings her. I do also think that she’s interested in the power that being dressed as a man gives her and she enjoys using that supremacy. In my opinion Rosalind is a manipulative character (in a positive way) and can be described as a heroine in most cases. When Orlando asks her if she is a native of the forest, Rosalind makes an ambiguous remark about being as much of a native as a rabbit is to the place where it is born. Here we see how she uses her wit to protect her disguise. In other words, she never quite answers the question directly. She uses this kind of verbal sidestepping again in act V, scene2, when she says that she is in love with no woman and that she’ll marry phebe if she is going to marry any woman at all. She also makes phebe promise that if she refuses to marry her, she’ll marry silvius. Rosalind manipulates the other characters through her use of language, but she does so far one purpose and that is to ensure a happy ending to the play. In my opinion this makes her a genuine heroine. As mentioned before Rosalind subverts the typical role of women in the Elizabethan period. She has great wit and wordplay and this is subversive of Shakespeare to bequeath a female with such qualities. One of the reasons that this play would have been counted as a comedy is the fact that the audience would have found Rosalind’s courage and wit quite funny and they would not have taken it seriously. However Shakespeare would perhaps have wanted to get a very serious and important point across. Some people believe that Shakespeare was a feminist and this is the point to prove it. He could’ have chosen to endow these qualities to another male character, but he chose a female character to reflect on all of these points. Some feminists are keen to stress the utter oppression of women in Elizabethan society in all areas of life; economic, domestic, sexual, familial and personal. Whilst it is certainly true that women were in no way regarded as equal to men in official aspects of life, the plays have an important part to play as pieces of evidence as about the status of women in this period. They are not separate from their background but part of our understanding about women’s lives in this period. This plays has a strong emphasis on the importance of gender at the time and the limitations that females were under due to this. Shakespeare uses Rosalind to undermine this and to illustrate that women can be as witty as men. However significantly and in a sense ironically she is only able to show this to the audience when she is disguised as a male. She is the supreme representation of the possibilities of human personality if there is freedom and if oppression can be overcome. She also shows the p ossibilities of female ability once liberated which in Rosalind’s case is liberty in disguise. At court Rosalind’s status was lower than Celia’s, for Celia was the daughter of the ruling duke â€Å"within ten days if that thou beest found so near our public court as twenty miles, thou diest for it.†Inn the forest of Arden, Rosalind dressed as a man, has higher status and Celia’s role almost fades away. The play has been under a lot of political criticism. It is possible that Shakespeare wrote the play for political reasons. It is a play that describes character like Rosalind and Celia fleeing from the oppression and coercion that they had to deal with when they were at court. Duke Fredrick has been Associated with Queen Elizabeth for his vindictive deeds towards his own daughter and Rosalind. The play is about power and social structure. The court is seen as being the place of higher classed people, whereas the Forest of Arden is supposed to be for the undersides of the society (at the time) like women, exiles, outcasts and people in lower status. The play describes the court as being a patriarchal society and the forest as being a place of justice and equality. However we find out that this is not the case as there are wealthy landowners that enrich themselves of the poor. Phebe and Silvius are examples of these as they are shepherds that work for a rich and cruel man. This goes to show that the forest has the same hierarchy structure as the court. Shakespeare could have been trying to portray the fact that there’s always injustice in â€Å"enclosures†. The end of the play is very significant to the irony of the play. Rosalind loses her independence, autonomy and freedom when she gets married to Orlando and when she takes off Ganymede’s clothes â€Å"to you I give myself, for I am yours†. This is so ironic as after all of Rosalind’s efforts and all of Shakespeare’s efforts to portray her as a witty, intelligent character and a Feminist, she has gone back to being her old powerless self. I think that Shakespeare did this to show the audience that things like antifeminism had to be established and dealt with properly. I think that Shakespeare wanted to bring to light the fact that it wasn’t good enough that Rosalind did all the things that she did, as at the end of the day, Orlando had more power over her and he was in control and she dedicated herself to him. Shakespeare was telling the women n the audience that they would never have rights if they didn’t stick up for themselves and if they didn’t manage to get feminism established. Shakespeare transforms Rosalind’s character throughout the play. From a love struck powerless girl to a dignified, aloof woman who managed to manipulate and influence other characters like Orland (the hero) and Phebe (Ganymede’s lover). Rosalind becomes a very sardonic, scathing and witty character to show that women can be as derisive and satirical as men if they were given the opportunity to be. She fulfils a very important role and a very significant dramatic function. Then he allows her to mould back to her original, immobilized character to show that there had to be a vital change in society otherwise women are never going to get the respect that they truly deserve if the society wasn’t revolutionised and modified.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fire Protection Systems essayEssay Writing Service
Fire Protection Systems essayEssay Writing Service Fire Protection Systems essay Fire Protection Systems essayFire is an uncontrolled process of burning that creates a danger to human life and is accompanied by the destruction of property. Fire is characterized by chemical interaction of combustible substance with oxygen, allocation of a large amount of heat and intense gas exchange of combustion. The fire, which is extinguished at the initial stage, is called ignition. Fire protection systems are created to protect facilities from fire. Fire protection systems include: fire dampers, fire doors, windows and gates made ​​of special materials, fire line systems, smoke management systems, automation of buildings, etc. There are modern hi-tech fire protection systems capable of detecting fires in the early stages. They include analog addressable fire alarm system and wireless fire detectors. When designing fire protection systems, individual factor should be considered: function of the protected object, its design features and private characteristics. T he main purpose of fire protection systems lies in providing protection from fire through a combination of automatic fire alarm systems, mechanical means of individual and collective protection, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, and employees training to fire regulations (Sturzenbecker, 2012). If all its components work properly, protection is effective.Fire alarm and connection systemsAccording to experts, one of the most sought and highly effective components of the fire protection system is a fire alarm system, whose main function is to save peoples lives. It is designed to react quickly to a fire, transmit a signal to fire extinguishing systems and alert about the fire. Fire alarm is considered a consolidation of all hardware designed for early fire detection.Automatic fire alarm outputs signals to the inclusion of fire extinguishing installations, operates smoke protection systems, engineering and technological equipment and other fire protection. Fire alarm system is designed to ensure automatic fire detection in the time required to activate fire signals. Usually fire alarm and connection systems include such equipment: fire detectors, security and fire panel or a computer with the special programs and a system that collects and processes data from fire detectors. Fire alarm is triggered as a result of an open fire, the presence of smoke or carbon monoxide in the air, as well as rise of temperature. These signs are identified by sensors light, smoke, heat, hand, combined and multi-touch. All administrative, industrial, ancillary buildings, outdoor installations, warehouses and constructions of oil refining and petrochemical industry should be equipped with the manual detectors of electric fire alarm. Receiving stations of fire alarm system must be installed in buildings of fire stations. In automatic mode the fire alarm should be transmitted in hospitals, child care centers, nursing homes, hotels, cultural and entertainment areas and other crowded pla ces. By connection type, sensors are divided into wired and wireless, basing on the principle of creating an information signal about fire active and passive. Active detectors produce a signal in a protected area, they are triggered if there is any change of parameters of generated signal. Passive sensors are triggered directly by changes in the environment, resulting in fire. According to ways of defining alarm and generating signals, detectors and fire safety systems are divided into: threshold alarm (triggering of a fire sensor determines a fire), questionnaire addressable alarm (control panel is conducting a survey of sensors to determine their status) and analogue addressable alarm (control panel detects fire). Analogue addressable alarm is considered the most effective and costly. A special place in the fire alarm is given to an uninterruptible power supply system. This is a prerequisite for its normal operation. Therefore, alarm is equipped with standby power and batteries, which enable the system to work smoothly for a few hours.To ensure the necessary protection on large objects, alarm system is installed and connected to other security systems. Fire alarm systems must be installed at the facilities where the fire can cause personal injury or death.Smoke management systemsPeople’s death and damage to property can be caused not only by fire, but also by the subsequent spread of smoke. Statistics prove that peoples death often occurs from carbon monoxide poisoning and other toxic combustion products. So the question of capabilities of ventilation networks and drainage systems needs careful analysis for security and preservation of property.The main task of the smoke management system lies in localization of smoke and toxic gases, releasing evacuation routes, providing evacuation of citizens from the building covered by fire. Today, smoke protection system is an integral part of the project of engineering systems of many buildings. High-rise buil dings, hospital complexes, building prisons, shopping malls, underground structures and tunnels are equipped with these systems. Smoke protection should be installed in stairwells, hallways, safety zones, and in the escape routes.Smoke management system of the building is aimed primarily at protecting people on the escape routes and safe areas against fire hazards. Smoke protection system provides the following protection methods: use of space-planning and design solutions to deal with smoke in buildings during fire, use of smoke ventilation air supply to pressurize air in the protected areas, use of devices of mechanical and natural ventilation to remove the products of combustion and thermal decomposition. Ventilation of the room often plays a decisive role in the occurrence of fire. When the volume of incoming fresh air corresponds to the amount of combustion oxidant, there is the highest burning rate, and hence the highest heat output with minimum heat loss. Smaller air flow red uces the amount of heat, greater – decreases heat loss. Complete lack of ventilation is almost a full guarantee against fire, if there are no oxidizing agents in the air. Burning rate is associated with ventilation and is directly regulated by it. But in some cases, the combustion is not determined by the amount of air supply, and is dependent on the properties of combustible fibers. According to experts, smoke management systems must perform the following tasks: to prevent the spread of smoke to other premises and escape routes, to provide fire retardant and smoke-shielding zoning of each floor, to provide favorable environment for emergency services personnel and fire fighters. Thus, the task of smoke management systems is not only maintaining breathable air, but also ensuring maximum safety of designated routes in case of fire evacuation.Smoke protection system is closely connected with fire suppression systems, network of alarm sensors and fire alarm system. Smoke managem ent systems are of great importance, as they affect the whole complex of measures to ensure fire safety, including the operation of all devices (network extinguishers sprinkler, fire valves, safety switches, smoke detectors, etc.). Active smoke management system is based on the system of exhaust fans and air handling station, which provides a flow of fresh air into the room. Combining these two systems into one is, unfortunately, almost impossible.Fire Protection Systems essay part 2
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms
How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms By Mark Nichol Determining whether to refer to geological and astronomical terms with initial uppercase or lowercase letters can be a challenge, because various publications and publishers differ on capitalization style. The following guidelines, however, appear to predominate: Names of geological time spans are capitalized, but the terms for the magnitude of duration (eons, eras, periods, epochs, and stages, in descending order of length), are not; in scientific and nonscientific prose alike, these terms can be omitted: â€Å"The Mesozoic is also known as the Age of Dinosaurs.†â€Å"Mrs. Wattle has been teaching Freshman Composition since the Mesozoic.†Whether modifying terms such as early, middle, and late are capitalized depends on whether they are themselves modified: â€Å"Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous.†â€Å"The Deccan Traps erupted in the very late Cretaceous.†â€Å"Ice age†is considered a generic term because multiple such events have occurred. In astronomy, general terms in proper names of celestial bodies are generally capitalized (â€Å"Orion’s Belt,†â€Å"Barnard’s Star,†â€Å"Comet Halley†). Note, however, that comet is lowercased in lay references to â€Å"Halley’s comet.†In nontechnical contexts, sun and moon are often lowercased: â€Å"She shielded her eyes from the bright light of the sun.†â€Å"Beware when the moon is full.†In works about astronomy, or those in which other celestial bodies are referenced, uppercase them: â€Å"The Sun is merely one of countless stars.†â€Å"The Moon orbits our planet roughly every twenty-eight days.†The same rule applies to the name of our planet. In idioms such as â€Å"where on earth,†â€Å"down to earth,†and â€Å"move heaven and earth,†the name requires no emphasis, and references to our world from a surface perspective and to its soil are likewise lowercased: â€Å"I traveled to the four corners of the earth to find it.†â€Å"The earth here is rich and loamy.†But the word as the name of the planet should be emphasized like any other: â€Å"The first four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, consisting mostly of rock and metals, are called the terrestrial planets.†(Note that Earth, in such contexts, need not be, and rarely is, preceded by the.) General terms like â€Å"solar system,†galaxy, and universe are usually not capitalized; some publications and books uppercase them (especially in references to our own solar system and the Milky Way galaxy). Names of celestial phenomena and objects such as the aurora borealis and the rings orbiting Jupiter and Saturn are lowercased. Remember, too, when discussing the planets orbiting the Sun, that Pluto was in 2006 demoted to a dwarf planet one of four in the solar system’s distant Kuiper belt (a fifth dwarf planet lies in the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter), and may not even be the largest one. (The scientific jury is still out on whether the similarly sized Eris is larger). And why is belt capitalized in â€Å"Orion’s Belt†and not in â€Å"the Kuiper belt†? In the former term, it’s a reference to part of the personification of the Orion constellation, but in the latter, it’s merely a description, just as in â€Å"the asteroid belt.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†Select vs. SelectedSit vs. Set
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Effect Of RMB Revalue To The Economy Of China Dissertation
The Effect Of RMB Revalue To The Economy Of China - Dissertation Example The expectation on appreciation of RMB was postponed during the global financial crisis. The appreciation of RMB will affect the aggregate demand through two canals. The appreciation will cause pressure on the supply of money. This will lead monetary expansion in cases where sterilized intervention is not sufficient. The aggregate demand and prices of the assets will get stimulated. The imbalances between demand and supply will increase because of the expectations associated with trade surplus and speculative inflows of capital. The monetary authorities will buy the excess supply of foreign exchange in the market in order to maintain stability in exchange rates. The growth in assets of foreign currency was much more than the growth of base money. The growth of foreign assets even crossed the rate of growth of broad money. This puts pressure on the monetary authorities to fasten down the monetary growth. The growth of money will be out of control if measures of sterilized intervention cannot keep up to the task. The growth of assets of foreign currency has dropped below the growth rate of broad money after the financial crisis. In the long run, the growth rate of broad money will settle in the usual level and short term capital will start to enter into the economy of China and this will again put the supply of money under pressure. But even if the monetary authorities are able to control the stable growth rate of money supply, then also the expectation for appreciation of RMB will stimulate the aggregate demand and prices of the assets will rise. Once the appreciation of RMB is expected, the expected returns on the assets that are risky will increase and price of these assets will take the steep rising path. The value of the collateral will...The politicians of U.S. are of the opinion that revaluation of the RMB will act as the solution in problems of trade deficit. But the reality is that the current trade deficit that U.S. has with China is mainly because of t he prevailing economic conditions in U.S. So the trade deficit that is affected by RMB is negligible (Hong Kong Industrialist, 2005/6, p. 15). Introduction The director of Peterson Institute for International Economics blamed the undervaluation of the currency of China for job losses in the country of United States. The director also drew a plan of action if China did not withdraw the control of currency and permit the renminbi (RMB) to gain strength. The central bank of China known as the People’s Bank of China allowed for some relaxation. The bank announced that will abandon the two year old peg. The peg has kept the RMB with the dollar (Yu, 2010, p. 2). It allowed RMB to respond according to the forces of the market. China will now begin to move into the regime of floating exchange rate. The regime will be a tight one which was in practice in the period between 2005 and 2008. The value of RMB will be the base on a basket of currencies within a narrow range (Wharton Univers ity of Pennsylvania, 2010). Method of Analysis In the method of analysis the previous researches will be taken into account and stress will be given on assessing the impact of the revaluation on the economy. The different effects namely the balance sheet effect and the economic effect will be taken into consideration.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Society Comparison Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Society Comparison Paper - Essay Example It needs to be realized that currently all societies of the world are battling with the Environmental concerns. Whereas Orkney Society can be classified as a â€Å"surviving†society, it nevertheless has its own set of concerns and improvisations that can improve its environmental conditions. Nevertheless, in contrast with Norse Greenland Society, Orkney society undoubtedly lives. The Orkney and Greenland societies both belong to the Viking colonies of North Atlantic. Orkney survived whereas Greenland saw its demise after a time span of 450 years. Four major environmental factors have been recognized for this difference of fate of both societies; ocean distances between Norway and Britain, resistance offered by non-Viking residents of the region, suitability for agricultural productions and environmental fragility in terms of soil erosion and deforestation (Diamond). Orkney is a continental Island, surrounded by water from its northern tip. It proved to be the naval base for B ritish forces in both world wars. With respect to environmental concerns, Orkney has left no stone unturned in its attempt to provide a better living standard for its residents. Currently, the Orkney Islands Council’s Environmental Health Team is responsible for identifying and devising possible solutions for any activity that poses a risk to the health and well-being of the citizens (Orkney Islands Council). Education and awareness is being spread about the environmental concerns and ways of tackling it. At present, all residents of Orkney Islands are entitled to quality air, atmosphere, water, soil, land and landscape as well as factors affecting the quality of these (Orkney Islands Council). Environmental conservation has been the Orkney’s primary concern. On the other hand, Norse Greenland was naturally deficient in resources like metallic elements, and was also incapable of exploration due to the absence of ships and manpower. It was invaded by the Vikings during 1200 AD. Skirmishes between the Natives and the Vikings (called Innuits) did not allow peace to be established in the region. Greenland was also incapable of promoting agricultural activities in their region due to the extreme climate. This had caused the people of Greenland to migrate out of the region as the Climate changed dramatically. The current climatic change can now be scientifically attributed to Global Warming, which also caused the rise of water tables (Karen). Greenland could not practice environmental conservation, partly due to natural deficiencies and partly on behalf of their harsh climatic conditions and Viking colonization. Hence the Norse Greenland society collapsed after a mere 450 years of desperate survival. The energy resources for Greenland are not clearly documented, but the time line suggests these resources would not have been â€Å"green†fuels. On the other hand, Orkney has established an Environmental concerns agency by the name of ECO, which tr ies to make everything environment-friendly – from fuels to recycling etc. The energy sources for Orkney include renewable sources like tidal, solar, wind and wave powers (ECO). The population of Greenland, in 1000AD numbered at 500 people, which increased with the subsequent invasion by the Innuit Vikings (Diamond). The population of Orkney, according to 2011 statistics, is numbered at 19,590 people (True
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Biomedical stent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Biomedical stent - Essay Example The manufacturing of stents is usually conducted in a careful method that a features the use of highly complex and advanced processes in order to meet the requirements. Some of the common methods that are used in the manufacture of stents include the identification of the optimal materials to be used in the manufacture. The choice of material is of supreme value because it determines the effectiveness of the product. A poorly chosen optimal raw material would lead to cases of maladjustment with the results that the stent would be ill suited to perform the kind of task for which it was designed. Laser cutting techniques feature prominently in the manufacture of stents (Shrivastava 25). The use of laser is necessary for the purposes of ensuring precision. The laser cutting processes usually involves the application of complex geometries that are determined by the minute measurements applied within the process. Cardiovascular, peripheral, or neurovascular blood vessels are some of the vessels that often receive the support of stents for purposes of support and scaffolding. Stents also apply in providing solutions to some natural passages gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, which are often prone to diseases and conditions that affect the processes of natural flow within them (Shrivastava 28). Depending on the tasks for which they are created, stents may differ in make, size, and orientation. Stainless CoCr and Nitinol or a combination of the two is some of the materials that are often used in the manufacture of stents. The choice of material used in the manufacture of stents is usually determined by the nature and place of usage. Generally, coronary and peripheral stents are made of stainless while neurovascular, carotid, and biliary stents rely more on Nitinol material for their manufacture (Shrivastava 43). The major differences in these stents are defined in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gulmay D3300 X-ray Therapy Machine System
Gulmay D3300 X-ray Therapy Machine System Gulmay D3300 x-ray therapy machine system from Gulmay Medical Ltd. Introduction                Kilovoltage unit was one of the first external beam therapy used in a radiotherapy department. Despite its popularity then, departments opt into using a megavoltage machine due to its versatility in treatment. The uses kilovoltage therapy, especially superficial x-ray therapy remains widely important in treating certain cancer patients. Gulmay Medical Ltd is one of the world’s leading manufacturers in Kilovoltage x-ray therapy equipment’s. One of its latest accomplishments was building Gulmay D3300, a combined superficial and orthovoltage unit, beam energy ranging from 20-400kv. In this essay, I will be describing the physical aspects of a Gulmay generator and x-ray tube used within this machine, their role in the production of x-ray as well as its cooling mechanism. I will be discussing the uses of having such combined units, the benefits and the complications it will cause to both the NHS, departments and the patients as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using cut out lead shielding within a treatment. Description The generator aims to magnify the initial input voltage to a substantial amount, enough to potentiate x-rays with a certain Half Value layer (Flinton, 2009). The CP225 generator which can be attached to the D3300, is powered by 3200W-4500w and has the capacity to generate voltage from 220V to 20-225KV (Gulmay Medical Ltd, 2014). Connected to the generator is the X-ray tube, via cables joined to both the anode and the cathode (figure one). The tubes are in a unipolar arrangement whereby the negative potential from the generator is fed into the cathode and the anode is maintained at a ground potential (Earth). (Flinton, 2009) Figure one: A map of the equipment’s inside a Gulmay Superficial x-ray therapy machine (Gulmay Medical Ltd, 2014). The CP225 generator is able to attach to a high power x-ray tube, 225/11, which can take up to 225V, ideally suited for its generator (Gulmay Medical Ltd., 2014). The tube is covered in a metal ceramic material and compromises on a ceiling support or on a floor stand. The mounting requires a manual force to move in the three axes -transverse, longitudinal and vertical, as well as rotational and tilt movement of the tube (Flinton, 2009). The cathode assembly, within the tube is held by a ceramic insulator aimed to insulate it from the metal housing of the tube and consists of a single tungsten filament. Compared to the cathode, the anode is structurally dissimilar, as shown in figure two. Made out of copper, the anode is either wielded onto the metal tube envelope or a ceramic insulator is sandwiched between them. The anode has extensions known as an integral hood and located on the side of the hood is a desired x-ray exit known as a beryllium window, which has a filtration of 0.8mm Be. The tube is enclosed within a vacuum to ensure the electrons do not interact with other particles, slowing down the production of pure x-rays (Flinton, 2009). Figure two: The internal structure of an x-ray tube (Flinton, 2009, p.153) As the heat builds up within the tube, it is removed from the target through conduction of the Copper anode acting as a heat sink due to its large size. To ensure efficient and rapid heat conduction, a cooling system is attached to the tube which ensures a high temperature difference away from the target (Figure one). Because the x-ray tube is unipolar, it is safe to ensure the flowing cooling medium within the cooling system is water, (Gulmay Medical Ltd., 2014) and therefore cost effective to implement. Since water is a conductor of heat, it is constantly replaced by new cool water once it has heated up. When the electrical current passes through from the generator to the tube via the cable, it reaches the cathode assembly heating up the tungsten filament. The filament then emits electrons in a process known as thermionic emission. The filament develops into a focussing cup containing a static negative charge stopping the electrons from scattering and to coerce them together to ensure the electrons aim at a small sectional area of the anode (Flinton, 2009). The cathode becomes highly negatively polarised that the grouped electrons are fired and strike a target within the anode, made from tungsten. The electrons begin to decelerate and release energy creating x-rays and heat (Xstrahl, 2014). The integral hood absorbs any unwanted electrons and prevents secondary x-rays from forming (extra focal radiation), whilst the beryllium window allows the primary x-rays to leave the tube (Flinton, 2009). Discussion Evan et al. (2001) states that by having a combined superficial and orthovoltage unit rather than two units, it will save half the money to facilitate separate shielded treatment rooms. There will also be a reduction in capital costs, spares, precautionary maintenance and quality control resources. However, by having a combined unit, the beam characteristics should be compromised as they are all necessitated by the use of a single X-ray tube to generate a beam as well as if the machine was to break down, the department may be at a loss of all kilovoltage treatment capacity. By having a low energy treatment, it is simple to treat superficial lesions. The low energy components of Gulmay d3300 allow many skin lesions to be treated up to 5mm deep, and by having a medium energy component it will allow treatments of skin lesions up to 2cm deep to be treated (Klevenhagen and Thwaites , 1993, and Glees, J.P and Wolstenholme, V., 2006). The aim of superficial x-ray therapy is to apply the dose superficially, maintaining the lack of skin sparing in order for the treatment to be successful. The fall in dose with depth is slower for x-rays than electron, thus the dose is below the treatment site is higher, being most effective in superficial treatment. Majority of the internal anatomical sites are not significantly affected by the radiation, The drawbacks to this is if treating an area neighbouring structures in which contain poor blood supply and are at risk of radiation damage such as cartilages, then it would be beneficial to use an electron beam due to the rapi d fall-off (Griffiths, 1994). When using an orthovoltage machine, the aim is to treat deep seated tumours at a close depth to the skin by applying a great amount of dose to the surface of the patient before it reaches the tumour site. The lack of skin sparing can result into skin damage caused on a patient (Griffiths, 1994). Patients can suffer acute reactions and late reactions. When patients begin their treatment, the acute reaction will follow in stages. During the first treatment, the patient may feel warmth in the area being treated; this is followed by the reddening of the skin, known as erythema, which can appear from a dose level of 1GY. As the dose escalates, the treated area will become itchy, sunburn like red, and is prone to injuries. Around 14 days, the hairs in the treated areas may fall out in a process known as epilation. By the time patients get to this stage finish their treatment course. This is due to the lengthy fractionations of treatment; the degree of reactions becomes less severe. Once the treatment stops, skin will begin to heal and becomes tanned. However, patients that go through a long treatment will experience reactions at a greater degree. The next stage in the skin reaction is dry desquamation, the peeling of the skin in dry flakes. Furthering this treatment, the skin then becomes dark red or purplish and fluid will start to build up underneath causing oedema, which is tender to touch. It is broken down and blisters start to form, the fluid begins to seep out of the skin. Patients treatment is then at a halt due to the severity of the reaction. Within an orthovoltage machine, by giving a high dose, the stem cell pool within the skin will be destroyed and area of ulceration will remain lasting within the treated area of the patient (Lochhead, 1983, p. 107-108). Late reactions are dependent on the beam energy and the dosage level. ‘The beam energy determines the part of the skin that is affected by the radiation.’(Lochhead, 1983, p. 107-108). By using low beam energy of up to 300kv, the germinal or basal layer of the skin demonstrates the most change to the skin. Activity is lost within the cells and the skin becomes thin. Once the skin becomes damaged it will take a long time to heal. Places where the hair has epilated may become permanent due to the destruction of the hair follicles. Sweat glands are destroyed and superficial blood vessels deteriorate. Other blood vessels nearby would enlarge to compensate the damaged blood vessels, and patients may begin to form Telangiectasis, a condition whereby the patients skin becomes pale and the red blood vessels enlarge. An injury to the patient may cause a necrosis of the skin. According to Griffiths et al. (1994, p.35) it was thought that by creating multifeilds across the tumour, patients’ skin reactions may subside. However this had caused a high integral dose on the patient as well as sore skin. Now it is often more advantageous to have a megavoltage machine treating these tumours due to the skin sparing affect it provides for the patient and the orthovoltage is progressing to become outdated. One of the main forms of shielding in a superficial and orthovoltage machine is the use of a lead cut out. A lead cut out is made to define the treatment area as well as shielding normal healthy tissue from the radiation beam. This is used in conjunction with an applicator attached to the machine collimator. It also provides direction and localisation of the beam. For the face and areas close to the eye a specific lead mask is produced, to avoid radiation to critical structures nearby (Mills et al., 2012). The study of Medvedevas et al (2001) concludes that the application of lead shielding attenuates the dose received to normal tissue significantly. However, according to Flinton (2009) the drawbacks in using lead shielding is the elevation in dose on the beam side of the lead caused by the interactions that arise in the lead shielding behind the target volume, as a result from the high backscatter component at these energies. The build up to full back scatter is most rapid in small fields, more so in low energy beams. For small fields such as the eye, this is a problem. Mills et al (2012). At the point when treating the eye, shielding made from either tungsten or lead is inserted to protect the lens. ‘The problem encountered with eye shields is the contribution from scatter which reaches into the region under the shield from the surrounding field.’(Mills et al., 2012, p. 125). A way to resolve this was by applying tissue equivalent material, i.e. wax, around the shield to absorb the scatter avoiding this problem. Conclusion Reference Evans, P.A., Moloney, A.J., Mountford, P.J. . (2001). Performance assesment of the Gulmay D3300 kilovoltage X ray therapy unit. The British Journal of Radiology. 74 (882), 537-549. Flinton D.. (2009). Kilovoltage Equipment. In: Cherry P. and Duxbury A.M. Practical radiotherapy physics and equipment. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 149-150. Glees, J.P and Wolstenholme, V.. (2006). The Role of Kilovoltage X-rays in the Treatment of Skin Cancers. European Oncological Disease. 1 (1), 32-35. Griffiths, SE., Short, CA., Jackson, CS. and Ash,D. (1994). Radiotherapy : principles to practice : a manual for quality in treatment delivery. Edinburgh: Churchil Livingstone. 33-37. Gulmay Medical Ltd.. (2014). Gulmay Corporate Brochure. Available: http://www.gulmay.com/. Last accessed 27th April 2014. Klevenhagen, S.C. and Thwaites D.I.. (1993). Kilovoltage X rays. In: Williams J.R. and Thwaites D.I. Radiotherapy Physics in practice. Oxford: Oxford Medical Publications. 95-112. Lochhead,J.N. M. (1983). Care of the patient in radiotherapy. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific. 105-111. Medvedevas, N., Adliene, D., Laurikaitiene, J., and Andrejaitis, A.. (2011). The role of shielding in superficial X-ray therapy. Radiaition Protection Dosimetry. 147 (1-2), 291-295. Mills, JA., Porter, H., Gill, D.. (2012). Radiotherapy beam production. In: Symonds, P., Deeham, C., Mills, JA., and Meredith,C.Walter Millers textbook of Radiotherapy. Oxford: Elsevier Health Sciences/Churchill Livingstone. 122-125. Xstrahl Medical. (2014). Physics of Low Energy Radiation. Available: http://www.xstrahl.com/NewStep/physics-of-low-energy-radiation.html. Last accessed 28th April 2014.
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