Sunday, December 1, 2019

Teacher psychopathic Review Essay Example

Teacher psychopathic Review Paper Essay on Teacher psychopathic Everyone says, we have in the school was such a teacher (teacher), this psihichka (crazy) and the cycle of history. Pretty standard that is part of a set of psycho-teacher: insults students, inadequate reactions, occasional physical abuse, biased evaluation. Well, plus the individual set looks strange, yelling in class, hates being in a classroom talking, reading aloud snatched love notes On the other hand, the work of the teacher in Russia one of the most dangerous, nerve, kinfarktuprivodyaschih. Because todays children, too, on the assurances of the teachers, not the most balanced. Daring, blunt, not respect, they do not appreciate. Not a teacher now threatens to call the parents and the children to the teacher you know who my father is, vaaschee So the appearance of the Messiah is predetermined. Get the children! Take that school! This teacher-psychopath. Rudolf Veniaminovich ready. For disobedience, insolence, arrogance, stupidity and debilizm I am going to beat me worthless you put a drug and call the police Why does everyone think that the teacher of the students must be a mountain? Your problem not my problem. The teacher hates all, does not respect anyone, it mocks all. It comes to the library and requires Mein kapf without obtaining the required tipping the rack with the Soviet g..nom. It gives a list of all learners preobidneyshie nicknames. It puts flowers donated to the first of September, in the garbage can. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is the first pages of the book. Awful from the point of view of genealogists of morality, but still terribly funny You can laugh (laugh out loud), can be resent.. But you need to read. Certainly. Because it is a cool book. For real. Crazy and insane. There is an expression went to the roof. So this is the complete demolition of the house » WARNING: Some books rather vulgar place, children up to 16 years to read forbidden .!

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