Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay Annie Dillards Pilgrim at Tinker Creek - 3011 Words
Annie Dillards Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Annie Dillard opens Pilgrim at Tinker Creek mysteriously, hinting at an unnamed presence. She toys with the longstanding epic images of battlefields and oracles, injecting an air of holiness and awe into the otherwise ordinary. In language more poetic than prosaic, she sings the beautiful into the mundane. She deifies common and trivial findings. She extracts the most high language from all the possible permutations of words to elevate and exalt the normal. Under her pen, her literary devices and her metaphors, a backyard stream becomes a shrine. Writing a prayer, Dillard becomes an instrument through which a ubiquitous spirit reveals itself. Yet in other cases, she latches on to an image†¦show more content†¦. .lest our eyes be blasted forever (23). She alludes here to the monotheistic concept of the taboo gaze, the forbidden direct stare into the face of God. In the preceding paragraph, she discover[s] the mystery (22) of the clouds. Able to perceive them only in the refle ctive water below, blind to the originals that cast the duplicates, she wonders if maybe the ark of the covenant was just passing by (22). The trunk in which Moses stored the Ten Commandments also provided the throne of God within the Tabernacle; he presides from atop the ark between two cherubim, in unapproachable light (I Timothy 6:16, Psalm 104:2). As they avoid pronouncing the name of God, believers must also shy away from this brightness. Dillard evokes these mystical taboos to express the irony of human love. Elsewhere she tells the story of a moth consumed by a flame, calling to mind the Sufi symbol for mortal love and the mystical path spiked with danger. The religious symbols also provoke ideas of spirituality that elevate the significance of Dillards worldly visions. The references are vital, because her experiences in nature do not connote spiritual presence as they once did. As GaryMcIlroy points out in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and the Burden of Science, American nature writing used to involve pureShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Annie Dillards Pilgrim At Tinker Creek1595 Words  | 7 PagesAnnie Dillard’s effective use of language and style reflect and further the opinions she voices within â€Å"Pilgrim at Tinker Creek†. She knows how to reel the audience in and then strengthens her points with such detailed descriptions of every little thing. A common theme throughout this classic is about seeing and gaining the ability to be able to see things for their beauty and what they really are. Dillard also wants her audience to see the things that are usually not noticeable or sometimes evenRead MoreAnnie Dillard Essays861 Words  | 4 Pages Hosford 1 Caitlind Hosford King English 8 April 2014 From Backyard Painter to World Famous Writer Annie Dillard was born on April 30, 1945 as Meta Ann Doak in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was pushed by her high school teachers and attended Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia. Dillard studied literature and creative writing. Sometime in her first two years at school she met Richard Dillard, who she would be engaged to marry her sophomore year of college. After she graduated, she married and moved in with her husbandRead MoreHow Does One Find the Miraculous in the Common? Essay example1187 Words  | 5 Pagescomparison, although Transcendentalist poet Ralph Waldo Emerson would call the previous statement a fallacy. This is due to his belief of finding the miraculous in the common as â€Å"the invariable mark of wisdom†. Emerson along with Henry David Thoreau and Annie Dillard all answered in regards to finding such miracles. These three authors have displayed their reasoning in their popular works. With the works of Self Reliance and Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson defined how one would find the miraculous in theRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Writing Process Of Annie Dillard And Stephen King1050 Words  | 5 PagesEvery writer has a particular way to describe their writing. Whether they describe it as a form of telepathy like the distinguished author, Stephen King, or as a painting like the renowned author, Annie Dillard, an abundance of writers can compare their process of writing to something. Even I have some way to describe my writing, I believe it is like being an architect creating marvelous building and cities made of words. This paper is meant to explain the writing process of the two aforementionedRead MoreFreedom Is The Most Important Freedom Essay1693 Words  | 7 Pagessimilar to the Nepali women living in today’s century. In a scholarly article, Violence Against Women: Nepal’s Situation, written by Professor Dr. Yubraj Sangroula, shows the state of Nepali women living in Nepal. In the memoir, Pilgrim at the Tinker Creek, the female writer Annie Dillard writes about her experiences of exploring nature in 1970’s USA; The US had been providing personal freedom equally to its citizens. The scholarly article, Through Pardah: Social Criticism in Women’s Folksongs from Mithilia
Monday, December 16, 2019
English Pet and Dogs Free Essays
Dogs have always been called â€Å"man’s best friend. †Studies have shown this to be true and dogs are the better pet especially over a cat. Although dogs and cats are both wonderful house pets, dogs are more intelligent and easier to train than cats, and dogs are also far more loving and loyal than most cats will ever be. We will write a custom essay sample on English: Pet and Dogs or any similar topic only for you Order Now When it comes to training, dogs are by far easier and more trainable than cats. Have you ever seen a cat sit or meow on command? Even though dogs do have a longer training period than cats do, there are many more tricks and commands owners can teach them. The article â€Å"New Scientist study finds dogs are better than cats†says that â€Å"Dogs can also follow human gestures, such as an outstretched finger or a nod of the head to find food†(Zoidberg). Dogs are also more sociable and playful than that of a cat as well. They would rather be left alone most of the day taking cat naps and scratching on household furniture. On the other hand dogs would rather be with someone playing in the yard, chasing a ball, or going on walks in the park. The best choice for a family pet would defiantly be a dog since they are the easiest to train and are more willing to be sociable. Dogs also are the more intelligent pet. Dogs have always been more than just a great companion over the years. They have helped people walk, see, hear, and even have rescued people from fires. This is why police cats isn’t a term usually heard, Seeing Eye cats, or rescue cats. Whenever the owner talks to their dog they will tilt their head and seem to have an interest in what they are saying. One study found that a border collie called Rico had mastered the meaning of more than 200 words†(Zoidberg). But when you call a cat they don’t seem to recognize their name being called or don’t even care. This shows that dogs are far more intelligent and have an interest in their owner. Finally, dogs are more loyal and loving than a cat. Dogs have always from the start been loyal to their families. Having moved from living in the wild to living with humans and their need to be a part of a pack however has not changed. Bridget Webber states in the article â€Å"Why dogs are more loyal than cats†that â€Å"cats [tend to] move from household to household because they like to see if something better is on offer elsewhere. A dog would rarely behave in such a way. Once they have found a friendly owner they tend to stick by their side, rather than constantly keeping an eye open to spot if a better deal comes along. †So therefore, they will always be loyal to their family unit and particularly to their owner. It also seems that both cats and dogs show how loving they can be but do they have other motives? Usually if a cat cuddles up in your lab or rubs up against your leg it’s either because that person is warm or their food bowl is empty. But dogs can sit with someone or wait by the door for hours for their owners to come back home. Dogs do provide more of an unconditional love without any strings attached. Cats and dogs will always both be wonderful pets to have, but dogs are still more suitable, loyal, and loving of the two. Dogs have that special connection with their owners that cats don’t seem to always have. Most pet owners enjoy having a dog as a pet and they will always be man’s best friend. How to cite English: Pet and Dogs, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Ethics and Governance Business Organisations
Question: Discuss about the Ethics and Governance: Business Organisations. Answer: Introduction Business organisations cannot only function by considering ethical principles and just the business rules. The managers and the corporate strategies are only the individuals who are responsible for putting different types of business ethics into practice that suits the framework of the particular business strategy. All the shareholders of a company have some desires on the investment they make along with proper growth and development of the organisation. It must be made sure that corporate official of an organisation always should develop some aligned principles for an executive management of the company just for the purpose of making sure that profit base of the organisation day by day gets strengthen (Bonn et al 2005). The corporate ethics is a completely legal concept and it helps in protecting the rights and responsibilities of the staffs. All in all business ethics and governance do provide maximum priority to the management of the organisation. Performing business activities be holding principles of corporate governance affect the stakeholders, employees, shareholders and the community at a large. The ethics within organisations mean principles and values that are needed to be followed by individuals working within the organisation to carry out the activities and make effective decisions in business. These are actually sets of principles which can guide the organisation towards the right kinds of activities and also ensure proper functioning of policies and making of good decisions for the success of the company. The ethical philosophical concepts are used by business organisations to conduct business in an effective manner and also create a good reputation of the company along with enhance the production level and improve the bottom level of the organisation in terms of business (Alles, 2009). Illustrating two Different Theories that Clarifies why Organisation Fail in Ethics Test One of the theories that clarifies why organisations fail in the ethics test is the involvement of different corporate psychopaths who are mainly found to overstate different business problem overlooking the situation and less concerned about the fact that in overlooking the situation the business problem would rise up more rather than getting decreased. Another theory suggests that leniency in running a business company also makes a company fail in ethics test. U.S president George W. Bust have clearly stated that in case there exist some worst staffs or manages who are not very much concerned about the business performance of a company, their suggestion might lead a company to failure in business (Bowie 2005). Thus, Jeremy Moon in this context suggest that in order to make a company achieve success in the ethics test, it is important for the managers see whether corporate social responsibility is properly invested and if it is still considered as just an expenditure then to transfo rm it. Different ethical leaders should be made involved into business so that companies are able to experience the reality of workforce and bring up changes in the organisation in order to make it pass the ethics test (Birmingham Doyle, 2009). The ethics are important within organisations and these are used by the leaders of the organisation to manage the performance of employees and raise their level of morale by developing a sense of trust and loyalty. The procedures set up by the leader must be acceptable by the employees working there. Due to the high ethical standards of the leader, the performance of workers would also improve, thereby making them perform to their potential and enhance the reputation and good image of the company within the financial market. Considering these ethical standards would improve the productivity of business as well as maintain ethical behaviour among workers and make them perform with honesty and integrity (Chadwick et al, 2014). The workers of the organisation use ethics to guide their behaviour and also follow the employee policies and procedures while trying to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organisation. The ethical employees could also meet the quality standards in their work, which would automatically influence the quality of products or services offered by the company. The culture present within the organisation must also be ethical so that the leaders of the organisation and employees adhere to various regulations , rules and codes of conducts. The managers of the organisation can maintain examine the behaviour and attitudes of employees and then create an ethical culture, with the help of rewarding the employees and also motivating all those workers who maintain high values and integrity which match the codes of ethics of the organisation. Utilitarian theory is one of the theories where organisations fail in terms of ethics test as because the right course of action is not determined that could benefit the majority and serve the greater good of people. Due to lack of maintaining the ethical policies and procedures, the organisation could fail to fulfil the needs and requirements of people which would further hinder the innovation and managing risks in business (Nicol?escu, 2013). The ethics within organisation can help to create a good culture and also improve the morale of employees, thus resulting in employee retention and increasing organisational productivity. The cost of replacing the workers would decrease and the productivity would keep on increasing as well (Gottweis et al, 2008). Demonstrating the Four Different Reasons as Stated by Moon thatIllustrates Why Corporations at Times are Found to Behave Badly Jeremy Moon after carrying out a recent research and examination on the global financial crisis have been able to illustrate four different reasons which simply states why corporations are found to behave quite unusually or badly at times. As according to his statement the first reasons for which corporations behave badly is the poor alignments that exist between the different ways in which a business market is naturally fund to perform business activities and the ethical expectation of the common people from the corporations business (Christensen et al 2007). Also it might happen because sometimes it is found that consumers hold on the believe that if any company is required to function perfectly in the competitive business field then they should only opt for cheap products from the company. the second reason for which corporation is often found to show negative behaviour is that leaders of the company when intending to start off with a business fails to step into the market unethic ally which makes them stay totally unaware of the legal rules and principles and this brings in more risk to the business. The third most significant reason that makes a corporation function quite unusually or make it behave badly is the failure of professionalism in two different fronts, this happens mainly because sometimes managers of a company are found to keep aside the employers handbook and professional development programs restricts the company to perform efficiently, while the other front is not settling up corporate social responsibility properly. The last reason is the failure of different regulatory administration which did not bring positive results to a corporations business (Crane et al 2007). Moon further stated that few of the other reasons due to which company fail include ignoring the handbooks on ethics that were necessary to be studied by the workers of the organisation and also lack if professional development programs that were needed to be provided to the employees. Without understanding the corporate social responsibility, the managers could not bring good ethical outcomes which were needed to be implemented in business circumstances. Rather than keeping those idly, it would have been essential for studying those and understand the regulatory procedures which could bring good ethical outcomes. The rules and regulations that are set within the global tax environment are complex, as a result of which those are not properly understood by the workers, which lead to less productivity and unethical culture (Renneboog et al, 2008). The CSR should be considered by the leaders of the organisation as major form of investment that could not only improve the skills and ensur e ethical decision making but also bring out the next generation leaders with time. Those individuals could be further provided with better training programs and also re-socialised as soon as they would experience the different phases of reality while working with others as a combined workforce. This would facilitate innovation and also improve the efficiency of the organisation, thereby ensuring maintenance of both ethical standards and also control he organisation with the help of corporate governance (Robertson et al, 2013). Though the research ethics and corporate governance look like same, still there are few differences between those. While talking about the ethics in research, we know about the considerations and also the dilemmas which have been faced during the research. This can help to gain in depth analysis of research but also create a report on the findings and outcomes that are derived in the end. The governance of research means ensuring that the research quality is setting high standards through assurance and regulations followed. In order to make important decisions in business, the workers of the organisation should follow the regulatory procedures, comply to the needs and requirements of the organisation and ensure lawful and effective corporate behaviour. The ethics, frameworks of corporate governance and mechanisms are linked with the business programs as a result of which these can provide knowledge, analytical and decision making skills to identity and resolve the issues and problems faced (Sudlow et al, 2015). This would definitely help to maintain ethical standards and also make sure that incidents do not happen like the happened with Bangladeshi clothing factory, as stated in the case study. According to the Given Article that Demonstrates Four Vital Reasons which makes a Company Behave Badly. In Context to This, Illustrating Personal Reasons that make a Company Behave Badly. From a personal perspective I would like to state some reasons for which a company at time is notice to behave quite strangely or even badly. Some of such reasons have been illustrated below: Success gained by the company in all perspective- when organisational leaders or managers finds that they have gained success in business in all perspective then they develop a feeling of running business in their own will and does not consider the statements of other business leaders as important which simply makes other feel quite awkward and they simply state that the mangers of that particular company is behaving quite badly (Eon Rossouw et al 2010). Professional ethics at times are notice to feel quite proud of themselves and they dont intend to share their ideas with other which makes other feel that bad about their nature. Perceived invincibility- leaders of the company are always habituated with the concept of achieving success and are also habituated with the different people who would implement their own whim. Rationalisation- a company wherein the managers possess this thinking that he is the most prior person of the organisation cannot achieve success because staffs or other employees who are working in the company are not able to adjust oneself in such a professional situation where their thoughts does not have any value this simply makes an organisation fail in business because their does not exist cooperation among the workforce (Rossouw 2005). From my opinion, one of the major reasons for which companies behave badly are the lack of providing the right shares and values to the shareholders who invest on the company. Often it becomes difficult for the company to deliver the right shareholder value by setting the overall corporate objective. This shows that the business has lost focus from the actual aim and purpose, which can go horribly wrong and make the business fail. The business organisation must generate good revenues in business and also generate good returns which could result in proper functioning of business. The thoughts of shareholders or investors could also be a problem when there would be lack of alignment between the motivation of shareholders and organisational aims and objectives (Alles, 2009). If the company do not ensure making the shareholders support the goals and objectives of the organisation, then also the company will not be able to innovate their products and also struggle to survive in the compet itive business environment, as a happened with the clothing factory in business. The low quality products were being manufactured by low quality machines and other equipments and also due to lack of ethical standards, it collapsed and caused the death of many people, nearly 1000. Nowadays consumers want good quality products at cheap prices, which is not always possible, so there have been improper ways of marketing functioning and also ethical expectations which are often not fulfilled by the leaders of the organisation (Nicol?escu, 2013). The leaders of organisations need to know about ethics in business and step up to the mark ethically, which would ensure performance by the workers to their potential and bring out favourable results. The companies also fail due to lack of democracy. The workers and suppliers care about the long term success of the company while if the shareholders do not have any interest to succeed in the long run, then there can be conflicts and misunderstanding, that is one of the major reasons due to which companies fail. The maximising of shareholders; return should be done along with focusing on the targets, which would lead to focus on the objective. If this is not done, then the company will be cutting corners, compliance failures and also carry out ways of misconduct, which will destroy the reputation and image of the company too (Renneboog et al, 2008). By maintaining ethics and also complying with the organisation rules, regulation and procedures, the companies would be able to overcome f ailures and also lead towards sustainable development. Conclusion Managers of a business company are considered as the prime decision makers of the organisation and they are also found to hold themselves accountable for the way a company is running the business and is affecting the stakeholders of the company. On the other hand corporate governance is estimated to be one kind of strict adherence over the business ethics of a company that helps in maintaining the business completely in a very professional level. To maintain corporate governance of a company every corporate managers are entitled to carry out their primary responsibilities at the first concern (Ryan et al 2010). Equally it is important for a companys corporate managers to consider all the laws and legal principles while developing corporate rules so that it does it overlook the business strategy and make the company function in a just manner. Thus today for running a business successfully in the competitive business market it is important that managers of a company are able to perfect ly manage working of their employees so that production range of the company is maintained (Sudlow et al, 2015). Reference- Alles, M. (2009). Ethics and governance.International Journal of Disclosure and Governance,6(4), 275. Birmingham, K., Doyle, A. (2009). Ethics and governance of a longitudinal birth cohort.Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology,23(s1), 39-50. Bonn, I., Fisher, J. (2005). 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Business ethics, corporate governance, and social responsibility.Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics,1(1), 86-92. Renneboog, L., Ter Horst, J., Zhang, C. (2008). The price of ethics and stakeholder governance: The performance of socially responsible mutual funds.Journal of Corporate Finance,14(3), 302-322. Robertson, C. J., Blevins, D. P., Duffy, T. (2013). A five-year review, update, and assessment of ethics and governance in Strategic Management Journal.Journal of Business Ethics,117(1), 85-91. Rossouw, G. J. (2005). Business ethics and corporate governance: A global survey. Business and Society, 44(1), 32. Ryan, L. V., Buchholtz, A. K., Kolb, R. W. (2010). New directions in corporate governance and finance: Implications for business ethics research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(04), 673-694. Sudlow, C., Gallacher, J., Allen, N., Beral, V., Burton, P., Danesh, J., ... Liu, B. (2015). UK biobank: an open access resource for identifying the causes of a wide range of complex diseases of middle and old age.PLoS medicine,12(3), e1001779. Thorne, D. M., Ferrell, O. C., Ferrell, L. (2010). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility and ethics. South-Western Cengage Learning.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Teacher psychopathic Review Essay Example
Teacher psychopathic Review Paper Essay on Teacher psychopathic Everyone says, we have in the school was such a teacher (teacher), this psihichka (crazy) and the cycle of history. Pretty standard that is part of a set of psycho-teacher: insults students, inadequate reactions, occasional physical abuse, biased evaluation. Well, plus the individual set looks strange, yelling in class, hates being in a classroom talking, reading aloud snatched love notes On the other hand, the work of the teacher in Russia one of the most dangerous, nerve, kinfarktuprivodyaschih. Because todays children, too, on the assurances of the teachers, not the most balanced. Daring, blunt, not respect, they do not appreciate. Not a teacher now threatens to call the parents and the children to the teacher you know who my father is, vaaschee So the appearance of the Messiah is predetermined. Get the children! Take that school! This teacher-psychopath. Rudolf Veniaminovich ready. For disobedience, insolence, arrogance, stupidity and debilizm I am going to beat me worthless you put a drug and call the police Why does everyone think that the teacher of the students must be a mountain? Your problem not my problem. The teacher hates all, does not respect anyone, it mocks all. It comes to the library and requires Mein kapf without obtaining the required tipping the rack with the Soviet g..nom. It gives a list of all learners preobidneyshie nicknames. It puts flowers donated to the first of September, in the garbage can. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher psychopathic Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is the first pages of the book. Awful from the point of view of genealogists of morality, but still terribly funny You can laugh (laugh out loud), can be resent.. But you need to read. Certainly. Because it is a cool book. For real. Crazy and insane. There is an expression went to the roof. So this is the complete demolition of the house » WARNING: Some books rather vulgar place, children up to 16 years to read forbidden .!
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